Residents of Luka Village in Rustenburg woke up to devastating news. The Ramotse Primary School got blazed out on Saturday midnight, 12 February 2022.
It is believed this was a burglary gone wrong, and also the possibility of criminals who cannot stand to see children obtain better education.The cause of fire is still unknown but the school community suspects that it was criminal activities.
The MEC of the Department of Education in North West, says waking up to such news is a strain to them as the department and as parents, hard to take it in that their children will now be forced to be behind academically.
The fire destroyed a computer lab with 40 computers, photocopiers, printers, Mathematics lab (1 projector, one screen, manipulative cupboard, interactive board and 18 tables), National School Nutrition Programme storage (food for learners) and Learner Teaching Supply Material (Stationery and textbooks) and a block of toilets for the girls and boys.
The MEC for Education, Mmaphefo Matsemela condemned in strongest terms the alleged burning of the school.
“I take this moment to condemn in its strongest terms the alleged burning of Ramotse Primary school. Such incidents are clearly targeted at delaying the case of arson with the local police station.