Having a blacklisted account does affect your chances of getting employed. The possibility of you not getting that job you applied for, after the company does a background check on you, are very high.
Majority of the unemployed youth of South Africa tend to avoid the seriousness behind having being blacklisted for not paying their clothing accounts. Many of them have been blacklisted, putting a red eye on their credit score profile.
A credit score is a profile that contains information of your credibility in having an account or any means of bound payments such as paying for a flat, cell phone contract, car bond and so on. It is sad how unemployment is a huge elephant that instead of moving gives birth to more elephants that block the way forward. South Africans however still open clothing accounts that lead to being blacklisted.
When you are a student, you can open a TFG account using your student account but what happens when you done with school and cannot pay, when you cannot find employment after graduating as it is also a norm in SA. Instead of cancelling the account, people carry to purchase the clothes and the instalment at that times rocks shy high leading to one being blacklisted.
Other companies where you will have to deal with money and lately retail, they check your credit score after your interview, and if found with a blacklist tag on your name, your chances of ever working there gets depleted. It has been reported that this indicates to the company that the account holder cannot use money correctly and therefore cannot be trusted.
Call centres are also in on the blacklisted background check when seeking employment, it is said that your trust will be questioned as to how will you convince someone over the phone to take an offer when you yourself could not afford the same offer. It is important to avoid debt at all costs, this includes not having a clothing account when you cannot afford one even when they tell you you can pay R50 a month which sounds affordable but forgot to mention to you that instalments increase, the more you take the more you pay.
As much as unemployment is troublesome in the country and we looking for government to create jobs, the unemployed should also consider not getting involved in creating debts for themselves. Stick to what you can afford, starting a business is also an option while you wait for the government to create those promised jobs.