Dec 22, 2024

A man from Venda returns home after being buried for 33 years.


The story of Jesus resurrecting from the dead doesn’t seem to have ended with him as a man from Venda who died in 1989 has recently returned home.

It is reported that a man from Ha-Magau village, outside Louis Trichardt in Limpopo who is believed to have died from a short illness in 1989 has returned home. Reports reveals that the man cannot speak nor eat he only drinks water.

His return has shocked the villagers, traditional leaders as well as the SAPS in the area, villagers later held a meeting following his shock return. At this point no one knows who was buried as the man who appears to have been buried has returned to life.

The return of him without a tongue has been linked with witchcraft, as it is believed that people without tongues are normally turned into Zombies by witches, as they have the capabilities of turning people into Zombies, by killing them before their life span. Doing so the corpse buried may appear as the deceased’s but spiritually it could be a stone, tree etc.

The deceased get to live in the spiritual realm of witches and work for them. Villagers believes the man was held hostage by the witches and was later released or escaped where he was held hostage.