The renowned first Xitsonga Telenovela “Giyani Land of Blood” will be returning for season 2 on the 1st of November.
The telenovela was one of the shows taken off air in 2019 by SABC 2 due to financial constraints, “Giyani Land of Blood was later replaced by “Lithapo” early 2020.
The Xitsonga telenovela’s first debut in 2019 brought in 1, 534, 859 views, making it the highest viewed telenovela in the country its cancellation left many viewers fuming on social media and thousands of its viewers resorted into writing a petition to the SABC to bring back the telenovela on air.
The petition reads as thus “The drama has stolen the hearts of multitudes of South Africans and teaches other tribes the ways of the Tsonga, Venda, Mapedi and Balobedu-speaking people’s culture and their daily challenges. It has found a way to teach us to unite and acknowledge our differences as tribes.”
The drama series featured well known names such as Yvonne Chaka Chaka, Mutsila, Wiseman Zitha and Candy Tsa Mandebele. Though season 2 of the telenovela will be coming with a few changes as Yvonne Chaka Chaka exits the drama and the award-winning talented actress Rami Chuene will be replacing her as the new wife of Richard Mudau played by Ndhivhuho Mutsila. The telenovela will air from Monday to Wednesday at 9:30 pm starting from November 1.
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