The SAPS and taxi owners in KwaZulu Natal Hammerdale, team up in protecting stores from potential looters. A video of people looting just after midnight of Thursday 09 June, is circulating in social media, creating an atmospheric debate.
People are wondering if its possible this may be a video of the 2021 July unrest to stimulate a looting to take place in the name of a national shutdown. Police have denied any knowledge of any looting in areas mentioned on the video. A private security company mentioned it received a tip off that stores in Hammarsdale and Hammardale Junction were going to be targeted on Thursday night.
“Luckily enough, police were aware of the situation. They came out in numbers together with the taxi owners and security companies that are in the area. They were able to safeguard the mall. Nothing was taken or damaged, nothing was looted, only the tyres were burnt on the road but no one was injured or killed.” said Ndumiso Manqele of Qaphela Security Services.
Due to the tip off and the statement issued by the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS), police were stationed out to monitor situations and prevent any unrest from happening.