Sep 10, 2024

Two Suspects Arrested for Robbery and Holding Family Hostage

Five men allegedly robbed a cellphone shop and fled to Umbumbulo in eThekwini, where one held a family hostage.

Five men allegedly robbed a cellphone shop and fled to Umbumbulo in eThekwini, where one held a family hostage.

One suspect was arrested during a chase, whereas the other entered a house, holding a family hostage. The other three suspects are still on the run. Police in Umbumbulo had their hands full chasing suspects while also maintaining a hostage situation.

The situation started in Cato Ridge about 50km where a robbery took place involving five suspects,fled and split up. They took a lot of cellphones that were later found in an abandoned vehicle by suspects upon fleeing the scene.

A hostage negotiator was on scene in attempt to negotiate the release of a grandmother and her two grandkids which took about over three hours before the armed suspect gave in. He was arrested, and his firearm seized by police.

The three other suspected are still being hunted by the police. Communities are encouraged to come forth with information when they have. Details of their court proceedings are not yet released.