Sep 10, 2024

The Underground gang celebrate Mphowabadimo’s victory.

Big Brother Mzanzi

Fans, family and friends gathered in the street of Mphowabadimo’s home to celebrate her victory as the first women to ever win Big Brother Mzanzi.

A video of the group celebrating in the streets of Daveytown, circulated the socials a few hours after the announcement of the season 3 winner. In their ‘We Love you Mphowabadimo’ t-shirts the group awaited the return of their victor to celebrate with her.

An elderly man at the celebration mentioned that they were expecting Mpho to return on Wednesday and invited the crowd to come celebrate with them. The crowd was of course eager to attend and know the details of the celebration. “Siyeza”, a women in the crowd shouted in response to the invitation.

After her win the self-proclaimed advocate of Idlozi took to stage to show her appreciation to her fans and Big Brother Mzanzi, “I’m feeling very good “she explained “The first female in Mzanzi to win, this is big for me” said a very excited Mpho.