Sep 10, 2024

The Biggest SAPS Building Gets a Cleaning Up Visit


Its rare to find society come together to clean up the very place they lost trust and safety in. The Johannesburg Central Men and Women’s Network Forum took it upon themselves, visited the biggest South African Police Service Building for a clean up.

“Johannesburg Central’s Women’s Network and Men for Change forum rolled up their sleeves today 18/03 during a cleaning operation to ensure the station’s surroundings is presentable and welcoming when community members visit the station.”said the SAPS

The building is a historical service premise that has provided service to the public since the apartheid era. Many unresolved cases of alleged suicide of detainees are being unpacked and reopened, with the recent ruling being on the 1982 inquest, about the death of anti-apartheid activist Dr Neil Aggett.

On Friday of 04 March, Judge Motsamai Makume ruled judgment in the inquest that took two years. It was ruled that Dr Neil Aggett Who was in custody did not die as a result of suicide but rather murdered by officers who were on duty.

It comes as shock to find society doing positive for such even with tenders available for such. The Johannesburg Central Men and Women’s Network Forum have other means of mindset, seeing the importance of keeping a public service clean, while also maintaining to keep the historical building still standing