Defence Minister Thandi Modise along with her Deputy, are held hostage at the St Georges Hotel by the disgruntled Military Veterans.
This transpired after their long meeting between the government and the Military veterans on regards to benefits due to them. The Veterans blocked the door with chairs as shown on the leaked videos of what was taking place inside, preventing the Minister to leave.
According to sources, information was revealed that the Veterans ordered the attempt and continue with holding Modise hostage, until the President, Cyril Ramaphosa comes and talks to them on a way forward.
Special forces forced their way through in rescue of the minister, after being locked for a long time in the conference room, Modise was released from the venue. Media outlets clams’ suspects were arrested but Lwazi Mzobe of the MK Military Veterans has dismissed the claim.
Mzobe has mentioned that they do not call the activity holding the minster hostage but rather just stopping her from leaving and there is nothing unlawful with that. He added on to say that the fight is not over, if they are not heard, they will take the fight to the Union Building and Demand the President to attend to them.
Videos of what transpired during the hostage, is making the rounds, and the president is expected to issue a statement regarding the matter. No injuries are yet reported and the safe transportation of Minister Modise is underway.
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