Sep 9, 2024

A Look by Cassper Mzansi Found Hilarious

The fight everyone was waiting for has come an gone but the topic still stands. Cassper Nyovest pulled off some facial expressions Mzansi finds hard to forget.

Remember the “I’m gonna Naak Musiq out” song throughout the weeks. Well it turned out the other way around, Cass got knocked out but it was the facial expressions he made that knocked Mzansi out with laughter.

The ‘itchoo’ look, was the most talked about, many said the look just gave them a flash back of all his recent tweets bragging about his training. “Man got disrespected in his own province.” read a comment

Cassper Nyovest proposed a rematch which he says he will be ready for in as little as three months. Naak has not yet responded to the proposal. It can now be said, the match was not at all fixed as many inticipated.

Social media is buzzing with short clips of the match and win, with Naak Musiq’s face on the internet more than it was during the pre marketing period of the match.