Sep 10, 2024

A Kenyan Doctor Blames Government for Hospital maintanance, Kenyans Quick to Defend Government




Doctor Rowena Njeri from Kenya added a rather chilling image of how they alter a patient’s bed, with a caption placing the blame on the government.

“58 years later and this is how we are propping patients in Nairobi. Elections are coming. Where is your leader? We deserve better healthcare, we can have it.” said the doctor in a tweet

The Kenyan community were quick to come to the rescue and defend its government. Those commenting under the image say some things are not for the government to take blame but for the hospital management and administration to do their job they are hired for.

The comments read as follows: “This is not about the government. Somebody is employed in that hospital as a maintenance technician, there is an administrator in charge who is responsible for such. Some things are not about government.”

“My thoughts too. The hospital managers and relevant staff should sort it out. But also, they may not be fully aware. 

It might help to look for another functional bed and switch patients as a short term measure. That chair might break = more losses. Poor substitute.”

This also brought forth the knowledge of what they describe as a privilege to have access to proper health care. They feel their country should start prioritising health care as number one.

Based on comments following the tweet, having proper health care in the country is a challenge and has not for years been considered important. They say all they want is for the government to do right by them and not pocket the funds meant to better people.